Appointment Letter Format

Appointment Letter

An appointment letter is followed by the offer letter, usually on the candidate's first day at work. All the described details about the job in charge, the salary, his/her position, benefits and everything related to the job will be mentioned here. Accepting the appointment letter is by signing a copy of the same and returning it to the employer.

When and Why?

The company’s HR Manager or the Manager issues an appointment letter to the candidate on their first day at work. All the unvoiced details while recruiting will be discussed here in the most descriptive and informative manner. Everything about the job and his/her responsibilities is shared in an appointment letter.


The authorized HR Manager or the Manager of the firm to hire the candidate signs and prints the appointment letter on the letterhead of the employer. After the acceptance of the appointment order by the candidate, a contractual liability came into existence.

Download Appointment Letter Format Format

You can also download the offer letter format in the following formats.

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